At Gleeful Peacock, we love putting a personal touch on everything we do.  Each jewelry piece is designed with a story in mind.  But what we really love is when one of our products can become a part of your story.  

We were recently asked to create a custom piece by Patti Barker to be given as a gift at a baby shower.  Patti picked out our Dream Weaver necklace and requested custom colors that held a special significance.  The gift was set for in-house pick up but issues arose and Patti wasn't going to be able to make it to our office before the end of the day.  As one of our GP flock members spoke with her on the phone, they could hear her disappointment that she wouldn't be able to give her heartfelt gift at the baby shower. Another awesome flock member volunteered to come in on Saturday so the gift could be picked up.  It was all worth it in the end! 

Here's what Patti had to say about the story behind this special gift:

"Brandi is "gleefully" pregnant with her first child, a son due May 2nd. She and her husband, Matt, are overjoyed and anxiously await his arrival! Friends and family alike affectionately refer to the baby as "Little Chief" in honor of Matt's proud Osage heritage.
The nursery will be decorated in an orange, navy and gray tribal theme, with arrows, feathers and dreamcatchers as part of the design. 

White feathers have played a special role in Brandi's life in recent years, ever since the tragic passing of her beloved aunt. White feathers appear at random, important times as if they are messages from Heaven, and seem to validate, comfort or celebrate Brandi's life.

That is why being able to have the beautiful feather pendant custom made in an ombre of Little Chief's nursery colors, with the final color being white, holds special significance for me as the giver and Brandi as the recipient. I am very grateful to the GP ladies who made my vision a reality and brought a joyful smile to Brandi's face."

We're so happy that we could help Patti put a smile on Brandi's face and that the necklace is now a part of your story. Thanks for sharing!

It was also great getting to meet Patti! She's an awesome lady who volunteers with Oklahoma's Chapter of the MS Society.  She is representing Oklahoma in Washington DC at the National MS Society Public Policy Conference. She was so great we simply had to ask her to be our brand ambassador! We sent her with some Oklahoma and Vote charms to share with the other amazing women who were joining her at the conference.  You can find Patti on Instagram at polzbarker.